A Guide To Attracting People To Ico Through Instagram

Instagram is growing rapidly and getting a lot of popularity among the different types or brands or businesses. While using various tools and strategies, you can get an opportunity to attract the people to ICO through your Instagram profile. It can be really beneficial for you and allow you to become a self-made superstar on social media. Most of the celebrities such as models, stars and many other professionals are paid by this platform.

However, you may have no idea that how to attract the followers to come and hit the follow button to ICO through Instagram. Here we are going to give you some useful tips that can help you to attract potential followers or people.

Create Some Engaging Captions

While surfing Instagram, when people will find nothing along with the picture, they may start to frustrate. Because here they may want to know more about your post but having no caption can become a cause of losing an active follower so, try don’t leave your follower in the dark.

Try to create some sharp and witty engaging captions that can help a follower to understand that what they are exactly seeing in your post. This is one of the best ways that can feel them really connected with an Instagram account.

Comment or Like Similar Accounts

This is another way to attract people to ICO via Instagram. Try to find similar pages and then comment or like the posts on similar accounts. It means a lot to ICO via Instagram account. Make sure that you are not using bots to perform this action; do it manually. Here you can refer to the actual post or may ask some questions that can prove an ideal place for you to make a start.

Post Frequently

Once you grab the attention of followers, you need to do something interesting that can keep their interest. Try to post some relevant and attractive photos on a regular basis. But you need to ensure that you are not posting hundreds of stuff in a day because this can become a cause of irritation for the follower or they may skip your post.

Choose Right Time to Post

To post anything on Instagram, you should need to ensure that what is the time zone where the majority of your followers’ lives in and what is the ideal time when they prefer to check their Instagram profiles.

After analyzing these points, you need to post some interesting content, photos or stories on a perfect that your followers will never miss. You can even buy Instagram followers that like your photos.

Promote Instagram on other Channels

This is an organic way to promote and attract the people to ICO via Instagram account. Here you can think about the different visual channels such as Facebook, YouTube or Tumbl where you can get a large audience for following.


After implementing these tips, you can get the desired result on an Instagram profile that can help to increase potential followers. It is the best platform for any business or brands that need to boost their selves.